
Posts Tagged ‘Computer’

Python: Library Managment System -P5

July 1, 2020 1 comment

Learning : Python, DataBase, SQlite
Subject: Create Simple Library Managment System

In this Part we will work on Books Managment Functions, New Book, Edit, Delete and Show Books. First, I want to mention that I did some modifications on:

  • Authors Functions:
    Update on show_Author, Edit_author, Delete_author and new_authors.
  • Classifications Functions:
    Update on Show_classification, Edit Classification, Delete Classification.

When I start writing the code for Adding New Book after that the code for Editing a Book, I notes that both are complex and going back or calling other functions such as show_authors, show_classification, I fond that we need to do some modifications on those functions, for all that I will not cover all codes in New and Edit functions. All the code IS available in the Download Page.

So lets start here with the easy functions, First we will see the show_book, in calling this function we will pass two parameters alone, list_type as def show_books(alone=’Yes’, list_type = “D”) both has default values.
alone: alone will be ‘No’ if we call the function within another function.
list_type: will have ‘D’ for Detail list of Book, list with Author data and Classifications. ‘T’ for Books list ID and Title only.
Here is the code ..

 # show books with two parameters

def show_books(alone='Yes', list_type = "D") : 
    c.execute ("select * from books where b_id > 0  order by b_name")     
    books_list = c.fetchall()           
    if list_type =="D":
        print('\n   ====== Show Books ======')
        print('\n   The List of Books We Have, Sorted by Book Title\n') 
        for book in range (0,(len(books_list))):
               print('\n             ID: {}'.format(books_list[book][0])) 
               print('     Name/Title: {}'.format(books_list[book][1]))
               print('      Book ISBN: {}'.format(books_list[book][3]))
               print('   Publish Date: {}'.format(books_list[book][4])) 
               print('   Book Edition: {}'.format(books_list[book][5]))
               # To get the Book Classification. 
               c.execute ("select class_name from classifi_list INNER JOIN b_class ON (classifi_list.class_l_id = b_class.class_id) AND (b_class.b_id ={})".format(books_list[book][0]))     
               b_class_list = c.fetchall()
               print('\n   Book Classification:')
                   for i in range(0,len(b_class_list),5) :
                       print(' '*15,b_class_list[i][0], end ="")
                       print(' | ',b_class_list[i+1][0], end ="")
                       print(' | ',b_class_list[i+2][0], end ="")
                       print(' | ',b_class_list[i+3][0])    
               auth_id = books_list[book][2]
               # To get the Author Data. 
               c.execute ("select * from authors where a_id = {}".format(int(auth_id)))     
               auth_list = c.fetchone()
               # To get the Author's Social Media Accounts. 
               c.execute ("select * from sma where a_id = {}".format(auth_id))  
               sma_list = c.fetchall()  
               # To print-out Author Data.
               print('\n\n   The Book Author:')
               print('           Name: {}'.format(auth_list[1]))
               print('          Email: {}'.format(auth_list[2]))
               print('          Social Media:')
               # Here we list the SMA for the Author.
               for each in sma_list :  
                  print('{:<14}{:<13} [ {} ]'.format('',each[2],each[3]))
        input('\n\n         ... Press any Key ..') 

    if list_type == "T" :
        for book in range (0,(len(books_list)),4):
                print('    {:<3}{:<27}'.format(books_list[book][0],books_list[book][1]),end="")
            #Exception for index out of range error.
        if alone =='Yes' :         
            input('\n\n         ... Press any Key ..')
        else : return    

Now the Delete Function, this is easy one, we just print print-out all the Book and the user will Select the one to be delete by Entaring it’s ID. To list the Books we will call the show_book function as here: show_books(‘No’,’T’) so parameter alone=’No’ and parameter list_type =’T’. Here is the code ..

 # Function to Delete a Book

def delete_book () :

    print('\n   ====== Delete a Book ======')
    print('\n   The List of Books We Have, Sorted by Book Title\n') 
    # First we show all Bookd so the user can select the One to be Deleted.
    # we Call show_books function and pass 'T'. 
    del_book = input('\n\n   Entert the Book ID that you want to Delete: [Q to Exit]  >  ') 
    if del_book not in ['q','Q'] :
            c.execute ("select b_name from books where b_id = {}".format(int(del_book)))     
            d_b_name = c.fetchone() 
            if input('\n   Are you Sure you want to Delete Book "{}"? [Y,N].  >   '.format(d_b_name[0])) in ['Y','y'] :             
                c.execute ("delete from books where b_id = {} ".format(int(del_book)))
                input('\n   One Book has been Deleted... Press any Key > ')    
                print('\n   You Select NOT To Delete The Book "{}" . '.format(d_b_name[0]))
                input('\n   To Exit ... Press any key ..') 
            input('\n   Not valid .. ')

Now lit’s start with Adding New Book to the Library System. In this process we will Enter New Book Name/Title, Book ISBN, Book Publish Date, Book Edition, and select an Author from the Authors List and if the Author is not exist we can Enter New Author, also to select a Classification and if we want we can Enter a new Classification.[If the one we want is not in the list]. As we can see in the Adding New Book we will call other functions to Show Authors then to Add new Author [If the one we have not on the list] also we will call the Show Classifications to select from and we may need to Add New classification.

The Editing the Books was really challenging, Showing all the the Books on the screen so the user will select the one to be edited, then once finished editing the Book attributes we will ask if the user want to edit the Author information if (YES) again will go through all Author attribute and ask if each one need to be Edit, IF the Author is not in the Authors list we will take the user to Add new Author to the system (if want to), after that we will ask if the user want to edit the classifications of the Book and if the classificatio is not in the list we will call the new_classification function.
Here are screen shot of the functions. ..

Part of Add New Book..
Part of Editing the Book.

What’s Next:
1. I will go through the code Run-Time tring to fix any errors.
2. I will write function for simple statistics on the Library.

[ NOTE ]
1. I am using Galaxy Tab and QPython3 App.
2. All the above codes are available in the Download Section/Page under the project name.
3. The application codes, Functions, Menus and other parts of the Application are subject of changes. In case of changes I will mention that.
4. This is a simple personal Library application, so i did not use any validations on Data Entry.

:: Library Managment System ::

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5

To Download my Python code (.py) files Click-Here

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Library Managment System -P4

June 21, 2020 2 comments

Learning : Python, DataBase, SQlite
Subject: Create Simple Library Managment System

In this Part we will work on Functions to Manage the Authors of the Books. We can enter the Authors in two ways, Even with Entering the book; such as when we are entering a New Book we can Select an Author from the list or (if the Author is not exist) we can select to Enter New Author. Or from the Author menu we can Enter New Author.

Here we are working on the Author Managment, and we will write the codes to:
Add New Authors.
Edit an Author.
Delete an Author.
Show Authors.

Here is the Author Menu with Functions Names..

We will start with Add New Author: In this Function we will ask the user to enter the Author Name then if the Author has Email or any Social Media Account, then the informations will be saved. Here is the code ..

# Authors Menu

def new_authors() :
    while True  :
        print('\n   ====== Add New Authors ======') 
        author_name = input('\n   Enter the Author Name .. >  ').capitalize()
        author_email = input('   Enter the Author Email [Enter to be Empty].. >  ')

        c.execute ("select * from authors where a_name='{}'".format(author_name)) 
        result = c.fetchone()     
        if (result != None) : 
             print('\n   We already have [{}] in the Auther Database. '.format(class_name)) 
                c.execute ("INSERT INTO authors (a_name, a_email) VALUES(:a_name,:a_email)",{"a_name":author_name,"a_email":author_email})
                print('\n      One Author Added ... ') 
                while True :
                    if input('\n   Do you want to Add any Social Media Account to this Author? [Y,N] .. >  ') in ['Y','y']: 
                        c.execute ("select max(a_id) from authors") 
                        auth_id = c.fetchone() 
                        sma_name = input('\n   Enter the Social Media Name.. > ').capitalize()
                        sma_link = input('   Enter the Social Media Link.. > ')
                        c.execute ("INSERT INTO sma (sma_name,sma_link,a_id) VALUES(:sma_name,:sma_link,:a_id)",{"sma_name":sma_name,"sma_link":sma_link,"a_id":auth_id[0]}) 

        if input('\n\n   Do you want to Add Another Author? [Y,N].. >  ') in ['N','n'] :
             input('\n   To Exit ... Press any key ..') 

Now the Next function, Edit an Author information, here we will list down all the Authors Names and ID and the user will Enter the ID of the one to be Edited, then we will display each attribute and ask the user to Edited or just press Enter (leave it Empty) to keep the exist one. Also we will give the user the ability to Enter a new Social Media Account for the user if needed.

# Edit Author Function

def edit_authors() :
    print('\n   ====== Edit Authors ======') 
    print('   The List of Authors We Have, Sorted in Alphbatic\n') 
    c.execute ("select * from authors where a_id > 0  order by a_name")     
    auth_list = c.fetchall() 
    # First we show all Authors so the user can select the One to be Edited.
    for auth in range (0,(len(auth_list)-1),4):
           pass # Just to avoid Index out of range.    

    edit_auth = input('\n\n   Enter the ID of the Author to Edit. [Q to Exit]  >  ')
    if edit_auth not in ['q','Q'] :
            c.execute ("select * from authors where a_id = {} ".format(int(edit_auth)))     
            auth_edi = c.fetchall()  
            # Get the Author Social Media Accounts SMA. 
            c.execute ("select * from sma where a_id = {}".format(int(edit_auth)))  
            sma_list = c.fetchall()
            print('         ID:',auth_edi[0][0])
            print('       Name:',auth_edi[0][1])
            print('      Email:',auth_edi[0][2])
            print('     Social Media:')
            for each in sma_list :  
                print('{:<11}{:  ').capitalize()
            a_email = input('   Enter the Author Email.  >  ') 
            if a_name > "" :
                c.execute("update authors set a_name = '{}' where a_id = {}".format(a_name,int(edit_auth))) 
            if a_email > "" :      
                c.execute("update authors set a_email = '{}' where a_id = {}".format(a_email,int(edit_auth))) 
            if (sma_list) != "" :
                for each in sma_list :  
                    sma_l = input('   Enter the {} Account. [D to Delete the Account]  >  '.format(each[2])) 
                    if sma_l > "" and (sma_l not in ['d','D'] ):
                        c.execute("update sma set sma_link = '{}' where a_id = {} and sma_name = '{}'".format(sma_l,int(edit_auth),each[2])) 
                    # If the user select D to Delete the SMA account. 
                    elif sma_l > "" and (sma_l in ['d','D']) :
                        c.execute ("delete from sma where sma_id = '{}' ".format(each[0]))
                        print('   {} Account Deleted... '.format(each[2]))

            while True :
                    # If the user want to Add more SMA to the Author.
                    if input('\n   Do you want to Add any Social Media Account to this Author? [Y,N] .. >  ') in ['Y','y']: 
                        sma_name = input('\n   Enter the Social Media Name.. >  ').capitalize()
                        sma_link = input('   Enter the Social Media Link.. >  ')
                        c.execute ("INSERT INTO sma (sma_name,sma_link,a_id) VALUES(:sma_name,:sma_link,:a_id)",{"sma_name":sma_name,"sma_link":sma_link,"a_id":int(edit_auth)}) 
           print('\n   Not valid .. ')
    input('\n   To Exit ... Press any key ..')

When running the code, we need to go back and forth to Show_Author function to see the effect of the Adding, Editing or Deleting functions that we are working one. Now, we will write the Delete_author Function, and as the Edit one first we will list all the Authors on the screen with there ID’s and ask the user to Enter the ID for the one to be Deleted. .. Here is the code.

# Delete an Author

def delete_authors():
    print('\n   ====== Delete Authors ======') 
    print('   The List of Authors We Have, Sorted in Alphbatic\n') 
    c.execute ("select * from authors where a_id > 0  order by a_name")     
    auth_list = c.fetchall() 
    # First we show all Authors so the user can select the One to be Deleted.
    for auth in range (0,(len(auth_list)-1),4):
           print('{:<3}{:  '))
    if del_auth not in ['q','Q'] :
            c.execute ("select * from authors where a_id = {} ".format(int(del_auth)))     
            auth_det = c.fetchall() 

            print('         ID:',auth_det[0][0])
            print('       Name:',auth_det[0][1])
            print('      Email:',auth_det[0][2])

            if input('\n     Are you Sure you want to Delete this Author? [Y,N].  >   ') in ['Y','y'] :
                c.execute ("delete from authors where a_id = '{}' ".format(int(del_auth)))
                # To delete any SMA linked to this Author.
                c.execute ("delete from sma where a_id = '{}' ".format(int(del_auth)))
                input('\n   One Author has been Deleted... Press any Key > ')    
                print('\n   You Select NOT To Delete Author "{}" . '.format(auth_det[0][1]))
                input('\n   To Exit ... Press any key ..') 
            input('\n   Not valid .. ')

Last Function in this part is Show Authors information, this is easy and short code, we will list down on the screen all the Authors Name, Email, SMA sorted by the Authors Name. Here is the code..

# Function to Show All Authors

def show_authors() :
    print('\n   ====== Show Authors ======')
    print('   The List of Authors We Have, Sorted in Alphbatic\n') 
    c.execute ("select * from authors where a_id > 0  order by a_name")     
    auth_list = c.fetchall()           
    for auth in range (0,(len(auth_list))):
           # For each Author we fetch the Social Media Accounts. 
           c.execute ("select * from sma where a_id = {}".format(auth_list[auth][0]))  
           sma_list = c.fetchall()
           print('\n     ID: {}'.format(auth_list[auth][0])) 
           print('   Name: {}'.format(auth_list[auth][1]))
           print('  Email: {}'.format(auth_list[auth][2]))
           print('  Social Media:')
           # Here we print-out the SMA for the Author.
           for each in sma_list :  
              print('{:<11}{:<13} [ {} ]'.format('',each[2],each[3]))
    input('\n\n         ... Press any Key ..')           

Next We will work on Book Managment Menu to Add, Edit, Delete and Show Books in our Library.

[ NOTE ]
1. I am using Galaxy Tab and QPython3 App.
2. All the above codes are available in the Download Section/Page under the project name.
3. The application codes, Functions, Menus and other parts of the Application are subject of changes. In case of changes I will mention that.

:: Library Managment System ::

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

To Download my Python code (.py) files Click-Here

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Library Managment System -P3

June 18, 2020 4 comments

Learning : Python, DataBase, SQlite
Subject: Create Simple Library Managment System

In this Part we will work on Classification Managment. As we know each book can fall in one or more subject or say ‘Classification’ then we can search for a book by it’s class, example of this, we may have classifications like: cook, computer, Health, History; also a book can have more than one classifications such as one book we gave it cook and sweet .. and so-on.

To do this we add another table to the project to hold all the Classifications and manage them. Here is the code ..

# New Table to be added.

sql_class  = "CREATE TABLE if not exists classifi_list (class_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, class_name text )"  
c.execute ("INSERT INTO classifi_list (class_id) VALUES(:class_id)",{"class_id":0})

[NOTE: This code been added to the source file.]

Classification Managment: In Classification Managment we will have four Functions, and will write the codes to perform each function, also we will write the Menu Function to let the user select a function. Functions are:

1. Add New Classification.
2. Edit a Classification information.
3. Delete a Classification.
4. Show Classifications.

First: Here is the class_menu() Function, the user will have the prompt and asked to select an action or (9) to Exit.

# Classification Managment Fumction    
def class_menu(): 

    while True : 
        print('\n   ====== LMS - Classification Managment ======')
        print('    1. Add New Classification.')
        print('    2. Edit a Classification information.')
        print('    3. Delete a Classification.') 
        print('    4. Show Classifications')
        print('    9. Exit.')
        user_choice = input('\n   Select the Action you want from the Menu: ')
        if  user_choice == '1' :
            # Function to Add New Classification   

        elif user_choice == '2' : 
            # Function to Edit a Classification information.
        elif user_choice == '3' : 
            # Function to Delete a Classification.

        elif user_choice == '4' : 
            # Function to Show a Classification.

        elif user_choice == '9' : 

Now, let’s start with Add New Classification. Simply we will ask the user to write a classification to be added to the Database, then we will check if it is already available in our Database, If yes then we will till the user so, or (if not available) we will add it, and will give the user the chance to add another one. If the user enter (Q or q) then we exit (Quit) from the function and return to the previous Menu.

# Function to Add New Classification

def new_classification() :
    print('\n   ====== Add New Classification ======')  
    while True  :
        class_name = input('\n   Enter the Classification and Press Enter. [ To Exit Enter Q ].. >  ').capitalize()
        c.execute ("select * from classifi_list where class_name='{}'".format(class_name)) 
        result = c.fetchone()     
        if class_name not in ['q','Q']:  
            if (result != None) : 
                print('\n   We already have [{}] in the Classification Database. '.format(class_name)) 
                c.execute ("INSERT INTO classifi_list (class_name) VALUES(:class_name)",{"class_name":class_name})
                print('\n      One Classification Added ... ')
            input('\n   To Exit ... Press any key ..') 
The Code
Code, Run-Time

Another Function to work on is Edit a Classification information In this one we will print-out all the Classifications we have and the user will select the one to Edit and will asked to Enter the ID number next to it. Then to Enter the New One and we will save it. Here is the code and the Out-put screen shot. To display all classifications on the screen we will use this code..

# Code to display the classifications on the screen

# First we list down all classifications.
    c.execute ("select * from classifi_list where class_id > 0  order by class_name")     
    class_list = c.fetchall()           
    for cla in range (0,(len(class_list)-1),4):

[NOTE: We use the try: except to avoid any (index out of range) errors.]

Code, Run-time

Next we will work on the Delete a Classification, Deleting may effect on some Books that uses that classification, so we need to till the user to confirm Deleting. Also we will use the same code to list down all the classifications and ask the user to enter the ID of the one to-be Deleted. Here is a part of the code to Delete a classification..

# Part of the code .. 

del_class = input('\n\n   To Delete a Classification Enter it''s ID number [Q To Exit]  > ')

if del_class not in ['Q','q'] :
    c.execute ("select * from classifi_list where class_id = '{}' ".format(int(del_class))) 
    c_to_del =  c.fetchone()[1]     
    print('\n   Are you sure you want to Delete "{}" Classification? '.format(c_to_del))     
    print('   This action may effect on books has this Classification.') 
    user_approve = input('\n   If you are sure to Delete "{}" Press Y or N: > '.format(c_to_del))  
    if user_approve in ['y','Y'] : 
        c.execute ("delete from classifi_list where class_id = '{}' ".format(del_class))
        input('\n   One Classification has been Deleted... Press any Key > ')    
        input('\n\n   You Select NOT to Delete the "{}" Classification, Press any key to go back.. '.format(c_to_del))

    if input('\n   Do you Want to Delete Another Classification? [Y,N] > ') in ['n','N'] :
    input('\n   You Select to Exit .. Press any Key > ')
The Code Code Run-Time

Last Function to work in this post is Show Classifications the function we will list down all the Classifications on the screen. Very easy one, here it is

# Show Classification Function

def show_classification():      
    print('\n   ====== Show Classification ======')
    print('   The List of Classifications We Have, Sort in Alphbatic\n') 
    c.execute ("select * from classifi_list where class_id > 0  order by class_name")     
    class_list = c.fetchall()           
    for cla in range (0,(len(class_list)-1),4):
           # just in case error, pass and do nothing.
    input('\n\n         ... Press any Key ..') 
Code Run-time

What’s Coming In coming post, we will write the Functions to Manage the Authors.

[ NOTE ]
1. I am using Galaxy Tab and QPython3 App.
2. All the above codes are available in the Download Section/Page under the project name.
3. The application codes, Functions, Menus and other parts of the Application are subject of changes. In case of changes I will mention that.

:: Library Managment System ::

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

To Download my Python code (.py) files Click-Here

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Library Managment System -P2

June 16, 2020 5 comments

Learning : Python, DataBase, SQlite
Subject: Create Simple Library Managment System

The Data: In the Part-1 we Talk about the Entities that we will create and about the Data we will collect (Fields). So here we are writing them again and we will add classification for each book :
Books Entity: Book Name, Book Author, Date of publish, Edition Number, Book classification number.
Author Entity : Author name, Author Nationality, email, SMA (social media account).
From the Author information we can see that we need to define a new Entity to hold the SMA.
SMA Entity: SMA Name, SMA Link.
Class Entity: class Name.
Here is each entity and field :

  • b_id integer PK
  • b_name text,
  • b_a_id integer,
  • b_isbn text,
  • b_dop text,
  • b_ed integer


  • a_id integer PK
  • a_name text
  • a_email text


  • sma_id integer PK,
  • a_id integer,
  • sma_name text,
  • sma_link text


  • class_id integer PK
  • class_name text
  • Now we will write the code to create the Database and set a connection

    # create the Database and set a connection

    import sqlite3, os

    # Create the data-base & name it as LMS.
    db_conn = sqlite3.connect ("LMS.db")

    # set the connection.
    c = db_conn.cursor()

    Now we will create the tables..

    # Function to create the tables

    def create_tables_() :
    # to create tables.
    sql_books = "CREATE TABLE if not exists books (b_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, b_name text, b_a_id integer,b_isbn text, b_dop text, b_ed integer)"

    sql_author = "CREATE TABLE if not exists author (a_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,a_ name text, a_email text )"

    sql_class = "CREATE TABLE if not exists classifi_list (class_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, class_name text )"

    sql_b_class = "CREATE TABLE if not exists b_class (b_class_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, b_id integer, class_id integer )"

    sql_sma = "CREATE TABLE if not exists sma (sma_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, a_id integer,sma_name text, sma_link text)"






    input('\n .. LMS Tables created.. Press any key .. ')

    After creating the tables, and to make sure that AUTOINCREMENT of Primary key will run we need to have a number in each PK field, to do that we will add a 0 (Zero) record to each table. Here is the code to do it ..

    #Function to Insert the Zero Record

    #Function to Insert the Zero Record.
    def insert_record_0():

    c.execute ("INSERT INTO books (b_id) VALUES(:b_id)",{"b_id":0})
    c.execute ("INSERT INTO authors (a_id) VALUES(:a_id)",{"a_id":0})
    c.execute ("INSERT INTO classifi_list (class_id) VALUES(:class_id)",{"class_id":0})

    c.execute ("INSERT INTO b_class (class_id) VALUES(:class_id)",{"class_id":0})
    c.execute ("INSERT INTO sma (sma_id) VALUES(:sma_id)",{"sma_id":0})


    input('\n ...Dummy records been Inserted .... Press any key .. ')

    The above functions create_tables_() and insert_record_0() will be run only one time to create the tables, and insert record number ZERO. During the programming and coding we may need to delete the DataBase and re-created again, in that case we run the both functions again.

    Create the Menus
    As we side, each Entities will have three Main Functions [Add, Edit, delete ad search]. Let’s start with Main Menu.

    Main Menu Code
    Main Menu Run-Time
    Book Menu, Code
    Book Menu, Run-Time
    Author Menu, Code
    Author Menu, Run-Time
    Classification Menu, Code
    Classification Menu, Run-Time
    Search Menu, Code Search Menu, Run-Time

    What’s Coming In coming post, we will write the Functions to Manage the Authors and Classifications.

    [ NOTE ]
    1. I am using Galaxy Tab and QPython3 App.
    2. All the above codes are available in the download section/page under the project name.
    3. During the progress of the project, we may need to Add, Edit or delete any Tables, Fields, Menus or Functions that we had already finished.

    :: Library Managment System ::

    Part 1 Part 2

    To Download my Python code (.py) files Click-Here

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Library Managment System -P1

June 14, 2020 5 comments

Learning : Python, DataBase, SQlite
Subject: Create Simple Library Managment System

Details: The project is to Plann, design and builed a simple Library Managment System LMS (For Books), the main Functions in the system are: (In this Version 1)

  • Add New Book.
  • Edit an exsit Book.
  • Delete a Book.
  • Search.

Planning: In this step we need to sit with the Business owner to identify the problem and plann the project. Since we will work as Fullstack (mean we will do every thing) and this is a training session project, we will be the Business owner of the project and will talk about the problem.

The Problem: In a very simple way, we have some Books and we want a System to store the books in a way that we can retrieve it’s basic information such as Title, Author, Subject and other information about it. Also we need to do some basic search to get statistics about our Library.

Data Gathering: First we need to define the Data we want to stoe, as we are talking about a simple Books Library System we can predict this very easily by looking to a book that we have and write-dowan the keys part of the book we want to store.
In this project we have three main Entities : Books, Authors, Borrowers. In this version (V.01) of the project we will NOT cover the borrowing functionality. So we will store the following data:

Books Entity: Book Name, Book Author, Date of publish, Edition Number, Book classification number.

Author Entity : Author name, Author Nationality, email, SMA (social media account).
From the Author information we can see that we need to define a new Entity to hold the SMA.
SMA Entity: SMA Name, SMA Link.

To Manage our System we will write Four main functions for each entity:
ADD, Edit, Delete and search.

Part 2: In Part-2 we will create the tables (The Entities), Insert the Zero-Row and create the Main Menu for each Entities.

:: Library Managment System ::

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Drawing Math Equations

Learning : Python and Math
Subject: Python Project to Draw a Math Equations

In the past week or so I saw a tweet from @matthen2 it was about drawing half circles on 99 points, the 99 points was distributed on a hidden circle, each line (or half circle) connecting x (a point on the circle) and it’s double, so point num 2 is connected to P num 4; (P3 to P6, P4 to P8, …) and so-on

This inspired me to write a Python app (code) to perform same action. Then I just upgrade the idea to draw any mathematical Equation. (Lets say simple mathematical Equations)

In our project, the user will enter the number of points and the starting circle radius, also I fond that we can do more by reducing the circle radius after each point, so i add this to the project.

Coding: We will write a function to collect the points in a list as [x,y], and returns the list. Then we pass each two points of (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) to another Function to draw a line between those points. In this version we will write the Equations as hard-code in our project.

So First Function will be the get_points() here the systems will ask the user to Enter some variables. We will collect the number of points P, the raidus of the circle circumference that points will be distributed On it’s, also we will ask the user if circle radius is fixed or decreased by a given factor.
Using mathematics we know that a circle has 360degree, so if we divide 360 over P we will have (if we can call it) the arc_angle. .. Here is the code for the function …

# Function to collect the x,y points

def get_points() :
  p = int(input('  Enter number of Points:  ')) # number of points.

  arc_angle = 360 / p
  circle_r = int(input('  Enter the Cricle Radius: ') )  
  fix_r = int(input('  Enter a number to reduce the Radius:'))
  #To return the x,y list of the points that we want to connect. 
  p_list = []
  for p in range (0,p+1) :

    nx = t.xcor()
    ny = t.ycor()
     # If the user want to reduce the radius.
    circle_r = circle_r - fix_r

  return p_list

By now, we have a list of points [x,y], and we will passing two points to another function def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2): to draw a line between the points. Very simple and easy Function …

# Function to draw a line

def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2):

Now the tricky part, How to select the points?. To do this we assume we have an Equation (e1) and if we got any errors like (division by zero, or out of index) we will apply another Equation (e2), e1 and e2 will be hard-coded and each time we need to change it and run the application again to see the result. And to draw a line between the points based on e1 and e2 we will run a for loop …. Here is the code ..

# drawing the equations 


for d in range(len(p_list)-1) :
  e1 = d * 2
  e2 =  abs( len(p_list) - (d*2))

    draw_line(p_list[d][0], p_list[d][1],p_list[e1][0], p_list[e1][1])
    if e1 > len(p_list) :
      draw_line(p_list[d][0], p_list[d][1],p_list[e2][0], p_list[e2][1])

Here is some output

This is the end of this project, Do we need any upgrading in any part of it?

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Covid19 Function Upgrade 1

April 16, 2020 Leave a comment

Learning : Using Beautifulsoup in Python
Subject: Python & Covid19 Function ‘Data By Country Upgrade

In last post (Python and Covid19) we use the Beautifulsoup and other libraries to grab COVID19 data from the internet and display it on the screen using our Main-Menu and some functions, and we said that some of those functions need some enhancement. In this post we will do some upgrade to one of the functions ‘def covid19_in_country()‘ and we will add the version number to it’s name as (def covid19_in_country_v02()).

In the previous Version of the function, we list down all the countries name with there indexes and ask the user to enter the index number of a country to get it’s COVID19 Data. However in this version we will give the user an option to select wither to:
1. Select the Country Name from a list.
2. Write the Country Name.

So if the user go-for option [1] then this will be as version 1, and if the user select option [2] then we will provide the opportunity to Enter Full or Part of a country Name and we will search for similar input (in the country list) and list them. Here is a screen shot of the RUN-Time ..

First we will write a code to create a list of Countries and there Indexes, this new function will called ‘def country_list()’ and it will return a list variable named ‘c_name_list’, here is the code for it.

# Function to create Country List

def country_list() :
    total_rows = soup.find_all('th',class_='covid-total-row')
    Total_Countries = int((total_rows)[0].b.text)
    for x in range (2,Total_Countries) :
                c_name_list.append([x,trs[x].find('a',title=re.compile('2020 coronavirus pandemic in *')).text])

                pass # If any errors, just pass.
    return c_name_list

Now we will split a part that (displaying the Country Data) from the main function ‘covid19_in_country()’ to be as an objet so we can call it any time with passing the country index to it. Here is the code..

# Code to display COVID19 data on the screen.

def show_counry_data(user_c_index) :
    # This will print the country name.
    print('\n\n     ',trs[int(user_c_index)].find('a',title=re.compile('2020 coronavirus pandemic in *')).text)
    # This will print the country information.
    tds = trs[int(user_c_index)].find_all('td')
    print('        Country Rank is: ',int(user_c_index)-1)
    print('        Cases:',tds[0].text.strip())
    print('        Deths:',tds[1].text.strip())
    print('        Recoveries:',tds[2].text.strip())

No we will re-write the main function of covid19_in_country() and we will add version number to it so it will be “covid19_in_country_v02()“. Here is the code ..

# covid19_in_country_v02()

def covid19_in_country_v02() :
    print('\n    Covid19 Country Data.')
    print('\n    ',last_update,'\n')

    while True:

        print('\n   Do you want to:' )
        print('   1. Select the Country name from a list.' )
        print('   2. Write the Country Name.')
        country_as = input('\n   Select from the Menu [1,2]: ')
        if country_as in ['1','2'] :
            print('\n    You Must Select [1 or 2] ... Try Again .. ')

    c_name_list = country_list()
    if country_as =='1' :
    # First we will print-out the list of counries name.
        for cou in range (0,(len(c_name_list)),4) :
                print ('    ',c_name_list[cou],c_name_list[cou+1],c_name_list[cou+2],c_name_list[cou+3])
                pass # if any error just continue.

        while True :
            user_c_index = (input('\n\n    Enter the Index number of the Country to see it''s Data. [e to Exit] '))
            try :
            except :
                if ((str(user_c_index)) in ['e','E']) :
                else :
                    print('\n    You must Enter a Number or ''e''/''E'' to exit')

    if country_as =='2' :
        print('\n   You Select the option to Enter a Country Name.')
        search_country = input('   Enter the Country Name (or Part of it): ')       
        print('  You enter: ',search_country)
        for x in range (0,(len(c_name_list))) :
            try :
                if (search_country.casefold()) in (c_name_list[x][1]).casefold() :
        if (len(c_indexes)==0) :
            print('\n   We can''t find your search, this may due to:')
            print('   1. Spelling error.')
            print('   2. Country Name drops for some technical error.')
            input('\n    ... Press any key ...'')

        else :
            print('\n   We fond {} matches with your search, Enter the Index Number for the\n   one you are looking for: '.format(len(c_indexes)))
            print('\n\n ',c_indexes)

            show_counry_data(int(input('\n   Enter the Counrty Index Now: ')))

    input('   ... Press Any Key ...')

This application and the code was written as a matter of training and learning. The owner/creator is not responsible for any missing or wrong data may exist in the file and/or the Data. (the code and/or the data-sets).

Note That: The file will only contain the changes in the function, NOT the Full COVID19 APP.

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By: Ali Radwani

Excel : Form to Save Data P-1

March 31, 2020 Leave a comment

Learning : VBA Codes to Save Data
Subject: Create Form to collect Data

In a very fast and as simple as we can, we will design and write VBA codes to transform three fields of Data from an Excel sheet “Form” to another sheet “Data”.

To keep thing as simple as we can, we will not use any Validations on user inputs in this example.

First, we will re-name a sheet to “Form” and another one to “Data”. In sheet [Form] we will create a simple Form to collect Names, Company Name and Emails of our customers, also we add a button and call it Save. As in Image-1


For companies Name, We will create a list then we will link it to Cell”D9″ so we can select a “Company Name” from a drop-down list. So to do this First in the Data sheet I will write a list of companies Name as (Comp Name 1,Comp Name 2,Comp Name 3, …. to Comp Name 10). I start my list from Cell “H8” [As in Image-2] you may start from any Cell you want.


Now to link a Dropdown list of our companies Name to Cell “D9″ Do this:
1. Goto Cell”D9”.
2. From the menu we will select “Data” then “Data Validation” and select Data Validation. [Image-3]


3. In the Allow [Select “List”], then in the Source we select the range of Companies we write [Range Cells H8:H17] or just write this: =$H$8:$H$17. Then click OK. See Image-4


Now if we try to click on Cell “D9” we will have a list as in Image-5.


In the “Data” Sheet we will just create the Table Header as in Image-6, and will go-back to “Form” Sheet.


Now we will write the VBA codes and link it to to a “Save” Button we create. To open the Visual-Basic window we select “Developer” From the Top menu, then Press Visual Basic.

Then we write this code and link it to the Save Button. ..

 # VBA Macro code to Save Data to Data sheet 

Sub Save_data()
' Save_data Macro
' Macro recorded 2020-03-29 by HP

    ' Set Variables
    Name = Range("D7").Value
    comp_name = Range("D9").Value
    Email = Range("D11").Value

    ' Goto data sheet
    ' This line will get the Next empty Row in the Data sheet.
    emp_row = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
    Range("A" & emp_row).Value = Name
    Range("B" & emp_row).Value = comp_name
    Range("C" & emp_row).Value = Email
    'Go to Form Sheet.
    ' Clear data cells.
    Range("D7").Value = ""
    Range("D9").Value = ""
    Range("D11").Value = ""
End Sub

Now if we enter some data [as we said: No Validation on the data] and press the Save button, the data will be coped to next empty row in the Data Sheet.

Enhancement: In some cases as in our coming project, it’s better to create a sheet and call it “Setting”, then we can have our Lists (such as Company-Name), Colors, Filters all to be in the Setting sheet. [We will see this in the Next Project.]

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By: Ali Radwani

Python and Excel P1

March 24, 2020 Leave a comment

Learning : Python and Excel Part-1
Subject: Read Excel file

In the coming four or five Lessons we will work on reading and writing to Excel file using Python code.

First we need to import os and Pandas as in coming code block, I will use os later to fetch file information. Also we will set the file_name variable to our file assuming it is in the same .py directory and we will call [read] the file in to df [dataframe]. Here is the code

 # Import and call the File into DataFrame.
  import os, pandas as pd
file_name = 'python_sheet_4.xlsx'
df = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheet_name='Sheet1')

Now let’s talk about my excel file “python_sheet_4.xlsx” has two sheets named “sheet1 and sheet2” both contin same table sheet1 the table start from cell A1 and in sheet2 the table start from cell C7. So first we will work on sheet1 that’s way we call sheet1 in our df setting statement.

Now we have the df (dataframe), and if we run the this code:

 # To print out the data from df DataFrame.

The Output..

Here is the original shot for our excel table

Here is a list of commands that we can use..

sheets_name = (pd.ExcelFile(file_name)).sheet_names
print(‘\n Number of Sheets in the file: ‘,len(sheets_name))
print(‘\n Sheets Name :’,*sheets_name,sep=’,’)

Command Action
print(df) Print all the data in the table
print(df.head()) Print the first 5 record in the table
print(df.head(10)) Print the first 10 records in the table, and
print(df.head(x)) will will print the first x record.
print(df.columns) Print out the table header as a list along with data type.
print(*df.columns,sep=’,’) This command will printout only the table header separated by (,)
print(df.shape) This will print the size of the table, in our case the
out-put will be (17,3) so we have 17 records and 3 columns.

If we wanr only the number of records we shall use print(df.shape[0])
sheets_name = (pd.ExcelFile(file_name)).sheet_names This command will return the Number and name of sheets in the file, then we
can print it out like this:

print(‘\n Number of Sheets in the file: ‘,len(sheets_name))
print(‘\n Sheets Name :’,*sheets_name,sep=’,’)

To make things in a professional way, we will write a function so we can use it with other applications, here is it..

The Code

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By: Ali Radwani

Python: Cooking App P-7

Learning : Python, Data-Base, SQlite
Subject: Writing a Cooking Application

RECIPES MENU: Delete Recipe To Delete a recipe we need to point on it, we will do this by it’s ID. So we can show all recipes by names, then we select the one we want to delete and enter it’s ID, the system will ask to confirm this action by typing (y,Y) then it we will call the delete function. In Delete function “def del_recipe()” we need to delete all the data regarding this ID form three DB Tables, recipes, recipes_steps, rec_ingredient and photo. Although we did not use the photo table and and we just create it for future use, but er will write its code.

Future Plan: In coming weeks we will convert this application “Cooking Application” to GUI “Graphical User Interface” application using tkinter library (Tkinter: is a Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit) .

Coding: So to Delete a recipe we will show all Recipes and there ID’s sorted by it’s Name and ask the user to enter the ID of the Recipe he/she want to delete.

 # Code to Delete a Recipe

def del_recipe():
    print('\n ====== Delete a Recipe =====')

    # Start to list down all the Recipes Name.
    print("\n\n  List of ALL Recipes we have.")
    c.execute("select r_id,r_name from recipes where r_id > 0")
    for each_r_name in c.fetchall():
        print('   ID:',each_r_name[0], 'Name:',each_r_name[1])

    # Now we ask the user to Enter the Recipe ID. 
    rec_del = input('\n\n   Enter an Recipe ID to be Deleted: ')
    # Now we ask the user to Confirm Deleting Recipe.
    sure_remove = input('\n The Recipe will be DELETE and can''t be Rolled-Back.
Are you sure you want to Remove it [Y,N] ') if sure_remove in ['y','Y']: c.execute ("Delete from recipes_steps where r_id = {}".format(rec_del)) db_conn.commit() c.execute ("Delete from recipes where r_id = {}".format(rec_del)) db_conn.commit() c.execute ("Delete from rec_ingredient where r_id = {}".format(rec_del)) db_conn.commit() c.execute ("Delete from photo where r_id = {}".format(rec_del)) db_conn.commit() elif sure_remove in ['n','N']: # If the user decide not to delete and select N print('\n You select NOT to remove the Recipe.') else :# If the user enter anything else than Y or N print('\n You must select (Y or N).') input('\n .. One Recipe Removed .. Press any key .. ')

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By: Ali Radwani