
Archive for March 24, 2020

Python and Excel P1

March 24, 2020 Leave a comment

Learning : Python and Excel Part-1
Subject: Read Excel file

In the coming four or five Lessons we will work on reading and writing to Excel file using Python code.

First we need to import os and Pandas as in coming code block, I will use os later to fetch file information. Also we will set the file_name variable to our file assuming it is in the same .py directory and we will call [read] the file in to df [dataframe]. Here is the code

 # Import and call the File into DataFrame.
  import os, pandas as pd
file_name = 'python_sheet_4.xlsx'
df = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheet_name='Sheet1')

Now let’s talk about my excel file “python_sheet_4.xlsx” has two sheets named “sheet1 and sheet2” both contin same table sheet1 the table start from cell A1 and in sheet2 the table start from cell C7. So first we will work on sheet1 that’s way we call sheet1 in our df setting statement.

Now we have the df (dataframe), and if we run the this code:

 # To print out the data from df DataFrame.

The Output..

Here is the original shot for our excel table

Here is a list of commands that we can use..

sheets_name = (pd.ExcelFile(file_name)).sheet_names
print(‘\n Number of Sheets in the file: ‘,len(sheets_name))
print(‘\n Sheets Name :’,*sheets_name,sep=’,’)

Command Action
print(df) Print all the data in the table
print(df.head()) Print the first 5 record in the table
print(df.head(10)) Print the first 10 records in the table, and
print(df.head(x)) will will print the first x record.
print(df.columns) Print out the table header as a list along with data type.
print(*df.columns,sep=’,’) This command will printout only the table header separated by (,)
print(df.shape) This will print the size of the table, in our case the
out-put will be (17,3) so we have 17 records and 3 columns.

If we wanr only the number of records we shall use print(df.shape[0])
sheets_name = (pd.ExcelFile(file_name)).sheet_names This command will return the Number and name of sheets in the file, then we
can print it out like this:

print(‘\n Number of Sheets in the file: ‘,len(sheets_name))
print(‘\n Sheets Name :’,*sheets_name,sep=’,’)

To make things in a professional way, we will write a function so we can use it with other applications, here is it..

The Code

To Download my Python code (.py) files Click-Here

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By: Ali Radwani