
Archive for June 29, 2024

Bike Photography

Walking around, I noted this bike with a pattern background,  the camera was with me, and I took the shor.

ISO 400, Shutter 1/1000s, F4 and I take it.

Python: Simple Ticket System _Part2

Subject: Writing a Simple Ticket System Application
Learning : Python, SQL, Logeic

In this part we will do the following:

  • Write the code for [show_list] function.
  • Write the code for [check_availabilty] function.
  • Write the code for Priority function in Setting.
    • Add New Priority.
    • Edit a Priprity.
    • Delete Priority.
  • Write the code for Status function.
    • Add New Status.
    • Edit a Status.
    • Delete Status.

Helping Function
Show List Function: Once the user to Edit or Delete a record from the dataBase, we will call this function to list-down whatever in the table, then the user will select the ID number of the entity to be Edited/Deleted.

Show List Function:
def show_list(dt,d_id):
Function to Display the Data we have in the Lookup Tables based on the user selection function.

Return: None

 c.execute (f”select * from {dt} where {d_id} > 1 “)
 dataset = c.fetchall()

 for d in range (0,(len(dataset)),3):
     print(‘ ‘*5,'{:<3}{:<20}'.format(dataset[d][0],dataset[d][1]),end="")
     print(' '*5,'{:<3}{:<20}'.format(dataset[d+1][0],dataset[d+1][1]),end="")
     print(' '*5,'{:<3}{:<20}'.format(dataset[d+2][0],dataset[d+2][1]))


Check Availabilty Function:

def check_availabilty(dt, d_id, check_id):
Function to check if the passed ID available in the data-set or not.

dt : Data-Table
d_id : Name of id column.
check_id : The id we want to search for.

Return : True if ID is available, False if not.

   c.execute (f”select * from {dt} where {d_id} = {check_id} “)
   dataset = c.fetchone()

   return (dataset)

Priority Function:
In coming code section we will write three functions to Add, Edit and Delete a Priority [All the code is available in the file for downloading FREE].

Add New Priority:

def add_priority ():

   line2 =”Add New Priority Level”

   print(‘\n\t List of Priority Levels we have in the system:\n’)
   new_pri = input(‘\n Enter the New Priority Level to be Added to the List. [E to Exit]. > ‘)

   # Check user input
   if new_pri in [‘e’,’E’] or new_pri ==’ ‘ or new_pri == ”:
      input(“\n\t You select to Exit from ‘Adding New Priority Level’.. Press any key to Exit. > “)
      # Code to add New priority level to the database
      # Capitalize user input
      new_pri = ” “.join([word.capitalize() for word in new_pri.split(” “)])
      # Insert onto database
      c.execute (“INSERT INTO priority_t (pri_level) VALUES(:pri_level )”,{“pri_level”:new_pri})

      input(‘\n\t One Priority level been Added to the database. Press any key to Continue. > ‘)

Edit Priority:

Click the image to enlarge
In this function, first we call show_list function to list down the priorities we have in the system and ask the user to select the ID of one to be Edit. Then we check if the user want to Exit from here!, If Not then we show him his selection and give the prompt so he can insert the corrected priority, and saving the changes.

Delete Priority:

Click the image to enlarge
In this function, first we call show_list function to list down the priorities we have in the system and ask the user to select the ID of one to be Deleted. Then we check if the user want to Exit from here!, If Not then we show him his selection and give the prompt so he can insert the corrected priority, and saving the changes.

Show Priority:

Click the image to enlarge
Last function is Show Priority, her we will list all the priorities we have in the table.

Status Functions
For Status also we have three functions to Add, Edit and Delete a Status. In Status of a task we have “Not Started, In progress, Finished” and the user can add more to the list. [All the code is available in the file for downloading FREE].

Add New Startus

[Click image to enlarge] First, we will display all the status we have in the system, and will ask the user to enter the new one to be added, we will perform a simple validation and then will save the New status into the table and show a confirmation of that on the screen.

Edit Startus

[Click image to enlarge] Her the user must select an ID of the status he want to edit, then entering the new one, confirming that, and we will save the change.

Delets Startus

python radwani ali qatar code [Click image to enlarge] Her the user must select an ID of the status he want to Delete,user must confirm that, and we will Delete and Save the change.

Show Startus

def show_status():

  line2 =”Show Status List”
  c.execute (“select * from status_t where st_id > 0 “)
  stat_list = c.fetchall()
  print(‘\n\n\t List of Status in the System…> ‘)
  for stat in range (0,(len(stat_list)),4):
       print(‘   {:<3}{:<20}'.format(stat_list[stat][0],stat_list[stat][1]),end="")

End of part two, we create all the sub functions in Priority and Status. In part 3, we will do all the sub functions in Department and category.

:: Ticket System ::

Intorduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

..:: Have Fun with Coding ::.. 🙂

To Download my Python code (.py) files Click-Here

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By: Ali Radwani